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Thanks to our weekly meetings and educational programmes, you’ll learn how to become a skilful speechwriter, a more confident motivational public speaker, or a thought leader in your field.

Weekly Meetings

In our experience, the best way to develop and learn the art of public speaking, personal effectiveness in communicating and leadership skills is over a prolonged period, through regular weekly meetings which focus on your progress and those of the people in your club. Meeting every Wednesday lunchtime helps us all to learn and improve together. Plus, you'll have the opportunity of delivering a TED talk each week! We all have a vested interest in each others success. We encourage you to come along as our guest for one or two meetings, with no commitment to join. We hope you will enjoy and be engaged by the experiential learning experience.


The Toastmasters Pathways learning experience is an exciting, flexible and interactive way to develop your skills and help others in the club develop theirs, during the weekly meetings. Pathways helps you learn communication and leadership skills that you need to succeed. It gives you:

  • The opportunity to build up to 300 unique competencies

  • 11 learning paths to choose from

  • Online content, so that you can learn anytime, anywhere

  • Real-world, transferable skills

  • Content available in a range of languages


Speechcraft is a fun and engaging way for a small group of people to learn how to overcome their nerves of public speaking and become more effective communicators. The programme runs for between 6 and 8 weekly sessions of up to 2 hours. You are provided with a workbook and taught how to deliver a range of different speeches and receive feedback on your strengths and areas for improvement. The whole group grows together in a supportive learning environment. 

Youth Leadership 

The Youth Leadership Program is a workshop consisting of up to eight one/two hour sessions that enable young people under the age of 18 to develop their communication and leadership skills through practical experience. In the workshops, young people learn valuable skills including evaluating their own speaking ability; preparing and giving speeches; giving impromptu talks; controlling their voice, vocabulary and gestures and giving constructive feedback.

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